Some habits are aided by outside forces such as nicotine or alcohol addiction. 有些习惯是受到烟碱或者酒精上瘾等外力的影响所养成的。
Invest in products that help wean you off your nicotine addiction. 可以尝试用替代品来帮助你克服烟瘾。
Also, behaviors such as nicotine addiction manifest themselves in long-term changes of neuronal connectivity and can – at least in this respect – be viewed as a form of learning. 同样的,尼古丁成瘾从长期上看也显示了神经粘连的变化,至少从这个角度上讲这也是一种学习结果。
In addition, because of the immature state of this brain region, adolescents may be quicker to succumb to nicotine, alcohol, and drug addiction, and to do so with greater permanency. 此外,由于这个大脑区域的不成熟状态,青少年也许会更快地屈服于尼古丁,酒精和毒品,并且更具有永久性。
A team of London scientists have found clues for the potentially therapeutic benefits of nicotine on learning, memory and attention while minimising the risk of addiction. 一个伦敦科学家小组发现尼古丁在学习、记忆和注意力方面潜在的药效,同时减少成瘾的风险。
British biotechnology company, already developing a vaccine to help addicts kick cocaine, said on Monday it had started clinical trials on the world's first nicotine addiction vaccine. 一家英国的生化技术公司本周一宣布,他们已经研发出一种能用于帮助烟民戒烟的尼古丁疫苗,并已经开始进行临床试验。
Novartis AG recently bought rights to an experimental vaccine to fight nicotine addiction and said it will spend up to$ 890 million on two experimental cancer drugs. 诺华最近刚刚购买了一个治疗尼古丁瘾的疫苗所有权,并且将花费8.9亿美元进行两个肿瘤药物的研发。
Because addiction to nicotine is as strong as an addiction to heroin, abstinence is difficult. 因为尼古丁成瘾性同海洛因成瘾性类似,戒除很难。
Quitting a nicotine addiction is not effortless, frankin marshall, regardless of the nicotine product. 不去考虑尼古丁产品,戒烟也并不容易。
Nicotine hooks onto a variety of receptors, or docking sites, on the surface of cells. That's how it triggers addiction in one part of the brain. 尼古丁附着在各种不同的受体细胞的表面。这就是尼古丁会在脑部的某个区域引发成瘾性的原因所在。
But when it comes to weight, the Yale research found that both nicotine and the related drug cytisine were activating a different receptor than the one involved in addiction. 但是,当研究体重变化问题的时候,耶鲁大学的研究发现尼古丁和其相关的药物野靛碱都会刺激另一种感受器,而不是跟成瘾相关的感受器。
HEAY smoker whose addiction to cigarettes was quickly broken after suffering a stroke has enabled scientists to pinpoint the source of nicotine addiction. 重度吸烟者在中风之后很快戒掉了烟瘾使科学家精确地找到了尼古丁上瘾缘由。
Selective CB1-R antagonists have potential in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as obesity, alcohol dependence, nicotine addiction, cognitive disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. 选择性的CB1受体阻滞剂通过作用该受体,具有治疗肥胖、酒精依赖、尼古丁成瘾、认知障碍以及胃肠道系统疾病等作用。
The authors conclude: Identification of genetically high-risk individuals who would benefit from proactive interventions, such as adolescent education and cessation clinics, may result in a population with a lower rate of adult nicotine addiction. 研究报告的作者总结道:找出那些在基因上容易上瘾的人,有助于对他们进行积极干预,如进行青春期教育和戒烟治疗,这将降低成年人中对尼古丁上瘾的人口比例。
Research shows that nicotine is a sine qua non of tobacco addiction and that it produces the hallmark effects of addictive drugs. 研究表明,尼古丁不仅是烟草成瘾的一个要素,而且它能产生同成瘾性药物一样的效应。
This paper introduced clinical symptom and evaluation method of nicotine addiction. Nicotine addiction is a complex disease, and it is induced by social environment and hereditary factors together. 该文系统地介绍了尼古丁成瘾的行为表现及评价方法,并提出尼古丁成瘾是社会环境与遗传因素共同决定的复杂性疾病。
Nicotine dependence is the main cause of cigarette addiction, which is characterized by uncontrollable compulsion of nicotine-seeking, impulsive and continuous nicotine in-taking, in order to experience euphoria and happiness, and to avoid withdrawal symptoms without nicotine. 尼古丁依赖是香烟成瘾的主要原因,其特征为无法克制的尼古丁觅求冲动,以及强迫性地、连续地使用尼古丁,以体验其带来的欣快感和愉悦感,并避免可能产生的戒断症状。
Through multiple stepwise regression analysis found that in nicotine dependence degree, enjoyment, smoking history, addiction and neurotic are the high risk of factors caused by smoking. 采用多元逐步回归分析发现,在尼古丁依赖程度上,享乐、吸烟年限、瘾、神经质是造成吸烟危险性较高的因素。
Tobacco contains a variety of poisonous and harmful substances, such as nicotine, which is an addiction medication both in cigarettes and other type of tobacco products. 烟草中含有多种有毒有害物质,尼古丁是卷烟和其他吸食型烟草产品中所共含的成瘾性药物成分。